Tuesday, October 16, 2012

October Photos

Hello middle of October. How did you get here so fast?

The first of October came and went without me even noticing. Suddenly we were in the second week and I realized I hadn't taken any photos. Whoops! I imagine November is going to take me by surprise as well, since our lives seem to speed up at the end of the year. Round about mid October every year I start longing for the boredom of January.

Anyway, things are beginning to go dormant here. Our weather has been glorious. We have had a few very chilly days and a few that are still hot and humid, but by enlarge October has been perfect. We get sunshine most of the time and then a few days of rain. I like the rainy days because it feels so much more autumny. But I also adore the prefect sunshine that isn't accompanied by relentless heat and humidity.

I'm not the only one who is loving this weather. The mums are thriving and all of our other plants are taking their cues to slow down and get ready to sleep for the winter. In the next month or so everything is going to go to sleep and our garden is going to become pretty drab. That will last until March, when all the bulbs spring forth.

Finally, in the next several weeks we are going to do our major autumn clean up. Everything needs to be taken care of for winter. I will try to post pictures of that as we do it. It is always so nice to see how spruced up everything looks after there have been hair cuts and a fresh layer of mulch is put down.

Now, on to the photos!

Blueberry bush




Pallet garden (on its last legs)

View from the deck


Beauty berry needs a haircut

The cherry tree has lost almost all its leaves

Morning glories
Gnome paradise

Fig, Crape Myrtle, Maple

That crazy fig tree is getting to be HUGE!

Panorama shot of the whole garden