On the 1st of June I took photos of the garden, but life has gotten in the way of actually posting them. See, we are in the middle of a kitchen remodel, which is stressful enough, but then, to top things off, the remodel went a little wrong along the way. So, instead of being done by the 15th of June (which was our target date) we are now on the 26th and still in full swing. It has disrupted my life considerably and I have not had much time or energy to dedicate to this blog.
However, I haven't neglected all of my duties and I did manage photos.
June is a beautiful month in Virginia, and one of my favorites when it comes to the garden. All of the lilies start blooming! I adore lilies. (Actually, I once told Charles to never buy me roses because I don't like them much, but if ever he's in doubt, just pick lilies of any variety and I will be happy.) We have day lilies, asian lilies, calla lilies, and others as well. It makes me so extremely happy!
Additionally, our blackberries are ripening. This year we got smart and netted our black berry "bush" and that has made all the difference in the world. Last year we didn't get to eat a single berry and this year I've picked at least three pints worth already. Yippee!
Other than that, our time has been spent, watering, lying in the hammock (great investment!), playing in the kiddie pool, and even picnicking in the garden. I am so happy with the amount of time we are getting to spend out there this year.
The kiddos enjoying the hammock |
All of the photos of the garden were taken on the 1st of June except for the calla lilies (the purple and white flower), which were taken today, the photo of the blackberry loot, which was taken last week, and the photo of the kids enjoying the hammock, which was also taken today. Without further ado:
St. John's wart blossom |
St. John's wart |
Lily! |
Beauty berry bush (yikes!) |
Cherry tree corner |
Asian Lilies (a gift from my son last year) |
Lilac/butterfly bush corner |
Blackberries beginning to ripen |
Spiral |
Japanese maple corner (soon to be renamed the Fig corner, because WOW!) |
Pallet garden |
Blackberry loot! |
Calla |
Calla lily bush |