Today is a glorious day here in Virginia. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and the temperatures is in the sixties! I have the windows open in my house and the fresh air is is just pouring in. It's hard to think of a better way to start the month.
This morning while I was taking the compost out I snapped some quick shots of the garden. There are a few developments, so keeps your eyes peeled.
My lovely sister, Jessica, got this yellow lily bird feeder for me for my 30th birthday. |
First crocuses! They are planted in the gaps between the stones of the path and should start coming up throughout the month. |
From the patio. |
Path and back corner. (Sorry it is hard to see. The sun was just peeking over the fence while I was outside.) |
St. John's Wart. This plant has weathered the entire winter and remained green. It's a miracle! |
Back corner with the cherry tree. |
He's a new addition (to replace Sven, our fallen hero) and needs a name. Jo suggested "a stout German name". Any suggestions? |
Crape Myrtle Spiral. |
My lovely sister, Johanna, gave me this tile for my 30th birthday. It is the Chinese character for truth. |
Japanese Maple corner. |
Aerial view from my bathroom window. |
This winter has been exceedingly mild and as a result our grass (which is mostly clover) has remained green all winter. It has been lovely. I'm so happy that March is here. Lianna turns two this month and this month is the beginning of Spring. I know we are a few weeks away, but our garden is already showing signs of waking up and I can hardly wait to see everything take off again!